God’s Gifts are Many: A Faith Testimony | Charbel Raish with Mike Creavey

Have you discerned your vocation?


In this episode of the Parousia Podcast, Charbel Raish talks to Mike Creavey, creator of the Catholic Podcast The Gracious Guest, teacher and author about his faith journey and his current projects.

Mike’s website: https://www.thegraciousguest.org/
The Gracious Guest YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/TheGraciousGuest

Mike’s book “Return of the Lord” on Amazon: https://a.co/d/7R2X7fB
Mike’s Homeschool Connections courses: https://homeschoolconnections.com/instructors/mike-creavey-ma/
SQPN podcasts link (ex. Secrets of Star Wars): https://sqpn.com/podcasts/
Official Shroud of Turin website: https://shroud.com/
British Society for the Turin Shroud: https://bstsnewsletter.com/
Fr Carlos Martin’s “The Exorcist Files”: https://www.exorcistfiles.tv/